还有一篇题为《狄金森诗中的喜剧主题》(”Comedic Themes in Dickinson's Poetry”)的文章中指出:
Here we see Dickinson speaking of a girl who would be in trouble for not only staining her apron, but also climbing a fence. These are things that "good girls" do not do. By stressing the word "Boy" at the end of the poem we see how it would be fine for God to climb the fence if he is male.
其实:辞典只能告诉你“boy”在一般情况下是什么意思,却从来也不会对你说在任何情况下都应该译什么。所谓“遍查英汉词典”,不知究竟查过几部,为什么就没有见到这样一个例句:He lived in Edinburgh as a boy. “他年轻时住在爱丁堡”(牛津高阶英汉双解辞典译文),这难道也译错了?当然,如果他后来做过了变性手术,就该强调“他住在爱丁堡时还是个男孩”。